
In 2008, the boy (Kyle) REALLY wanted a pet, but Chris and I were leary about him actually taking care of it. We looked around and found some 'eyelash' geckos at Petco and ended up bringing one home. Found out they are extremely easy pets and fun to watch (once the sun goes down).

They were thought to be extinct until 're-discovered' in 1993. Average size is 8-10 inches long and lifespan is thought to exceed 15 years. Easy to keep preferring 65-80 degree temps, they require no special UV lighting.

I ended up getting a female a few months later and now have quite the little gecko family. I am always looking for homes for the little guys that I have so take a look at pictures and let me know if you are interested.

Jan 20, 2011

Gotta Keep a Lid on It!

Every night our cat Lucy is hoping for a juicy morsel.  Here's a good shot of our corageous and patient gecko hunter...

Jan 19, 2011

Another Baby

Had another baby hatch yesterday... well kind of... he kinda stayed in the egg for quite a while so I coaxed him out.  Pictures will come soon (when I can get him to sit still long enough for a picture)

Jan 16, 2011

Set of Hatchlings

Below are 5 hatchlings that used to be available...
P-Dotti - (hatched 11-21-10)

Neiman (hatched 9-22-10)

Jackson (hatched 9-22-10)

Dotri (hatched 11-28-10)

Baby (hatched 11-29-10)

Kery's Pick

Kery has grown fond of one of the hatchlings and is going to be keeping him. 

Introducing Symon!  Born 5-26-10

Lights, Camera, I'm Thirsty

It is suggested that these beasts get 'misted' at least once a day for drinking water, but I also keep a little bowl of water in the tank.  Reading suggested that they don't drink out of a dish, but I have seen them do it regularly...  Anyway...  Here's a clip of one of the little ones drinking from the side of the 'tank'.

Growing up!

Atticus... then and now!

Atticus is named after his owner, Atticus Fox Hiestand (what a cool name, eh?).  He is a family friend and his parents got the gecko for him as a holiday gift.  Since we are Facebook friends I get to see updated pics on occasion. (Thank you, Fox!)  The second one here was just posted this weekend!  I can't believe how big he's getting.

Couple days old

16 months old